Monday 16 September 2013

What would mornings be like?

I wanted to use my copics as as base for a background.  I had never used them before and wanted a gradient effect.  I started with yellow (Y00), I just kept moving to a higher number, coloring one (usually the darker) into the lighter. I then used mixed media ink in red with a stencil. A good friend sent me the prima dolls and I felt she needed to pop so I used copic land it's actually called blue violet.  I used sticklers and bling to dress he pr up.  

I wanted the stamps to be outlined or modern looking and chose some background stamps or outline stamps with stay-on ink. I then used purple metallic paint to edge the page.  I just thought of the quote as I was very tired when I finished it and printed it on the computer and then used copics to color hem to blend with the was a thought in the back of my head so I didn't want it to be in the readers face.

Hope your days are filled with love and inspiration!

Tuesday 3 September 2013


This is by far my favorite mixed media post yet...there are more to come.  I loved doing this and seeing it come together and with just a few items.  I used a brick wall stencil from crafters companion!  They are yet another company that is absolutely my fav!!!  I found this wall sticker but it completely inspired this journal page. 
I used gesso to paint the walls, and yet even though I went over the lines it created an even better rock girl look.  When the gesso was dry I used Stampin Up grey  to color the background. I just laid the ink pad down and swirled it around.  After you get color laid down have a baby wipe ready and wipe off all the extra ink that is laying on the gesso. 
I used Quickutz spotlight alphabet and my Big Shot to cut the letters out.  I loved that the grey peeked out of the polka dots in the letters.  I used acrylic paint to paint the dots around the rocker girls hand.  Oh yea and a little washi tape..well if the tape matches and ya wanna use it ROCK IT!
HOpe you enjoyed the show!  For the next publication return to this sight and be prepared for another rocking page!!!!
much love to you all

Welcome to zentangle

OH MY WOW, yet another avenue of mixed media and journaling that I have fallen in love with!!  How could you not love something that makes you feel less anxious and absolutely let you find a calm place?  ZENTANGLE allows for this to happen!!!!
I started with some golden aqua paint (the only Golden paint color I have and I am so in love with it!!!)  I do not work for or have many Golden products however I am absolutely in heaven when I use them.  I am on a very limited budget but if you can only spend a bit of money then I would suggest buying one or two things at a time, it is so worth it and you absolutely get your moneys worth!!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE GOLDEN Products!!!!!!!
I lined this with tissue paper and then used bubble wrap over the top to create some visual interest on top of the textured background.  I used water color and dyed coffee filters to create a mud puddle.  I used acrylic paint for the rest.  NOW the zentangle part I had to get micron pens for....or I thought I did.  I used those to create the boots but was not long going through a pen due to the amount of pressure I place on the pen.  That said, SHARPIE, puts out a wonderful fine tip and usually you can buy in packs of 4, so you can have them all over the
 I entitled her SHEZEN because I felt it best explained what you were looking at.  This was my first attempt at a girl and I love the idea of making her hair look fun and wild all at the same time...oh oh oh, I just had a thought....have to do a rocker girl in that idea...alas I digress...

I used acrylic paint to paint her face, headband,shirt and flower.  I love the use of color with zentangle but when I looked at her hair I felt it was just great, so I only added some lead pencil and blended with my fingers. 
Both of these art pieces I really enjoyed putting together.  they both took a couple of days as time is limited but I would suggest looking into this as an art all by itself.  I plan to teach zentangle to others in the fall.  What a fun and relaxing thing to do while spending time with loved ones.
Much love and I wish you all good fortune in getting some Sharpies and start doodling

Four to the Floor

The next four journal pages will be quickly explained as I go.  Seeing as how I am so desperately far behind getting these posted and would genuinely love to submit my entries for a design team I am going to flash them out .....

Choices is about making just that in life and how is affects you.  I have made some reasonably bad choices and journaled about it then created on top of my personal written entries.

Don't you have days like this?  Where you just want to grab a kite, balloon or wings and fly away from all the extra stuff that happens in life.  I love this image by Jellypark.  She creates such cute and whimsical digital stamps.  I used cupboard liner and ink to create the background...I thought it turned out wonderful however, I should have completed more layers 

I loved doing this resist technique.  It started with a Crayola white crayon...if you have kids around you have crayons and really do they use the white for anything....not wee little ones they don't!  I loved this quote because (in my opinion) without the wisdom of the previous generation where would we (as a society) be?  And it seems that every generation makes a lot of the same mistakes because they refuse to listen to the previous generation.  I love my elders but I too, want to buck the

I think this holds true for everyone.  If we all just tried to do something good for another person each day it really would and does make the world a better place.  My husband believes this too...he does it, daily and I am proud of him for it. 
Hope you enjoyed this quick walk through of some of my art journal pieces of work.
Much love


What does it mean to be brave?  I think everyone has there own opinion of bravery.  I, myself, think that there are different kinds of bravery like when a fireman runs into a burning building to save someone or something that is brave.....that is an everyday hero in my opinion. 

I also believe that bravery exists on a more personal level too.  What I mean is when you are sick everyday or deal with a disease there are components that only someone with that disease knows about.  I have the disease but the brave people in my life are the ones who live with me.  My daughter and husband are the bravest people I know.  They comfort me when I need it, they help take the pain away just by being by my side.  Not to mention....which I am sure if you have been around anyone with diabetes for any length of time the mood swings are present....all the time!  So in this journal entry its about being brave or what you define as bravery...Go ahead I would love to see your creations and allow the world to see:  WHAT DO YOU DEFINE AS BRAVE?

Much love to all

All Things Are Possible....

I have had a mighty string of bad luck.  I don't really believe in good and bad luck, I believe that if you work hard then those things come true....but lately I have been reconsidering this thought.  For my very first ever Mixed Media or Art Journal page I really wanted to express this,

I frequent a social board called Scraps, Paper, Scissors and with the help of Helen, she encouraged not only to get on the mixed media horse but to also use the prompts she had listed.  I used a prompt for this but I cannot remember the exact here is my SHOUT OUT to you Helen!!  I was not sure and very unsure of where to begin so I just started gluing paper and the more layers I created the better I liked it.  I used some distress inks, alcohol inks along with some doodling and voila!  I felt that was all I could handle....after all it is overwhelming to take that new step into a blinding light.

Folks, if you love all things to create with then not only do I encourage but I say run....don't walk to your nearest store and get some mixed media paper and then run back home because you, my friends, are going to enjoy an incredible journey!

Monday 2 September 2013

Art Journaling least for me

Just a quick note to those just stumbling across this blog.  Its new to me....just as mixed media was new to me about 6 months ago.  I do have to tell you that when I first laid brush to paper and let the juices flow.....I fell in love.  Not a quick twitterpaited oh did you see that guy kinda love either.  It is a jump in with both feet kinda love.  I think I could have married the process straight away.  Not really sure what the love affair is with glue, paper, ephemera, doodling, ink, paint.... BUT it is highly addictive and wonderfully intoxicating.  

I plan over the next few days to upload some work over the next few days.  I think I am interested in learning more about tutorials and opening that door wide as I possibly can.  When life gives you lemons...learn how to make prints you can put in your mixed media journals and create a feeling of happiness with it. 

Until the next ramblings of a Art Freak...
Much love (directly from Jenniebellie- gush what a sweetie)